Pre-empting this, Microsoft announced Microsoft IoT Central, the first scalable IoT SaaS solution, that has built-in support for IoT best practices and security along with the reliability, regional availability, and global scale of the Azure cloud. This increased investment will support continued research and innovation in IoT, which is ultimately evolving to be the new intelligent edge.This will support Microsoft’s technology platform, supply LED turn signal lights as well as supporting programs thereby enabling continued research and development in key areas, including securing IoT, creating development tools and intelligent services for IoT and the edge..9 trillion productivity increase and $177 billion in reduced costs by 2020 (A. Operating a vehicle with tyre pressure 20 per cent below rated pressure increases fuel consumption by 5-10 per cent and reduces tyre life by 15 per cent to 20 per cent.

In India, procurement of new tyres for a commercial vehicle approximately costs about Rs 1-1. Microsoft IoT Central allows companies to build production-grade IoT applications in hours and allow them to manage all the necessary backend infrastructure or can hire new skill sets to develop the solutions. The investment will ensure that the company continues to meet all its customers’ and partners’ needs, both, now and in the future, as they develop new and increasingly sophisticated IoT solutions.IoT gathers momentum in India:Microsoft in India claims that it is committed to helping everyone in bringing their digital transformation vision to life across every industry.IoT based Smart Lighting: Microsoft claims that its – Azure IoT is supplying India’s first Smart Street Lighting Project for the pink city of Jaipur, underscoring Microsoft’s mission of transforming public spaces digitally. Microsoft Azure is the preferred platform powering a variety of IoT devices.